BHS Endowment

At BHS we believe that education is the key to a brighter future. Our commitment to providing exceptional learning experiences for students extends beyond the classroom. Our BHS Endowment allows us to ensure that generations to come will benefit from the same transformative education that has shaped our community. The endowment fund comprises of several funds such as the Torchbearer Fund, The Susan Palmer Constable Fund, the Mr & Mrs R.A. Ferguson Award Fund and the BHS Butterfield Fund, among others, that work in collaboration to grow our endowment. 

What does the Endowment do?

By contributing to the BHS Endowment, you help us achieve our goals:

  • Support student bursaries and scholarships, providing life-changing opportunities.
  • Foster academic excellence with cutting-edge programmes and resources.
  • Equip students with skills for success in the workforce and beyond
  • Provide state-of-the-art technology resources learning
  • Enhance facilities for creative exploration and collaboration.

As our endowment continues to grow, we aspire to invest in enabling students equal access to our Round Square service trips and exchanges.

Join the many alumni, current and past parents, faculty, and friends who established endowments as permanent legacies. Contribute to the BHS Endowment and make a lasting impact on generations to come. 

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